Clean air day
clean air day official logo

Today, across the UK – from schools, businesses, communities and the health sectors are coming together to celebrate the annual event, Clean Air Day.  The event is to celebrate  for a number of reasons. It’s purpose is  to help improve public understanding of air pollution. It is also held to help build awareness of how air pollution affects our health . To further add to this point it explains the easy actions we can all do to prevent air pollution by  helping to protect the environment and our health.  Global Action Plan, the sustainability charity that co-ordinates Clean Air Day, announces that  Clean Air Day 2021 will take place on 17th June.

What is Clean Air Day?

Every year, air pollution causes up to 36,000 deaths in the UK .The UK Government recognises that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk we face today.

Clean Air Day is led by Global Action Plan and is the largest air pollution campaign in the UK. Since the first Clean Air Day in 2017, it has engaged with thousands of people at hundreds of events. In addition to this  it has reached millions more through the likes of  the media. So in celebration of Clean Air Day, Greater Manchester will be hosting events. These events will include pollution pods in Media City, a rainbow-bedecked play street. This will allow people to test their lung capacity in Lung Domes in Manchester’s Piccadilly Gardens. Their will also be  electric vehicles and bike roadshows.

Due to  us at Alison Law Solicitors  being proud members of The Legal Sustainability Alliance (LSA),  is important to us as at Alison Law Solicitors   we recognise Clean Air Day . The LSA helps  UK based law firms lead the way into sustainability. Following this, as  a business  we  aim to do our part to help the environment and have gone paperless within our offices and storing our files electronically.

What we will be doing to celebrate Clean Air Day

In celebration of  Clean Air Day, we will be donating £100 to The Woodland Trust. The Woodland Trust is one of the UK’s biggest woodland conversation charity. Their mission is to help combat climate change, to build a greener future for the UK.  As well as that they create havens for the wildlife as the UK’s woodlands only covers 13% of the UK. Our donation will help go towards The Woodlands Trust’s aim of increasing our woodland to  cover near to the average of the EU’s woodland which is  37%.  We are proud to say our say our donation  contribute to the planting of 11 new trees.

For more information on Clean Air Day, please visit their official website Clean Air Day | Action for Clean Air