Alison Law Solicitors is recognised as a No Zero Hours Contracts Employer

Alison Law Solicitors is delighted to announce successful accreditation as a No Zero Hours Employer with Zero Hours Justice, an organisation that seeks to ultimately end the use of zero hours contracts where they are unilaterally imposed by employers.

Alison Law Solicitors is one of the first employer in the Legal sector to be accredited by Zero Hours Justice and we are proud to lead the way and demonstrate that good business practice means providing our workers with the security and stability of working hours that they need. We recognise that that it is now more important than ever to show our staff that we value them and demonstrate to the wider business world that you can operate a good business and make profit without using zero hours contracts. We also want our customers/clients/service users to know that we recognise that the services we provide are dependent on our workforce and our accreditation from Zero Hours Justice can give customers/clients/service users the satisfaction that we do not and will not use zero hours contracts.

Zero Hours Justice offer their free No Zero Hours Accreditation Scheme to all employers in the private and public sectors and third-sector organisations who do not employ workers on zero hours contracts. They also offer a Fairer Hours Employer Accreditation to employers who use zero hours contracts but comply with some minimum requirements in their use. Being accredited is a way to demonstrate that your organisation recognises the financial pressure being on a zero hours contract places on people and their families. Being unsure of what money you have coming in to pay for your living costs, is wrong and can cause working people to go into debt and suffer anxiety and worry. By recognising and promoting employers who choose not to use zero hours contracts Zero Hours Justice hopes to persuade other employers to follow suit.

Director of Zero Hours Justice, Chris Peace, says,

“Most workers are on zero hours contracts because it was the only work they could find. Not knowing what hours you are working from one day to the next means planning your finances is stressful. At a time when the cost of living continues to increase workers need to know when they are working to plan their lives and pay their bills. Many employers recognise that using zero hours contracts with little notice of hours of work does not make for a happy and productive workforce and we applaud those who are leading the way by not using them such as Alison Law Solicitors.”

Chairman of Alison Law Solicitors says,

“We are proud to be awarded No Zero Hours Employer. It is such an amazing initiative. Being one of the first organisation in the legal sector to obtain this accreditation, show that we are leading the fight against bad work practices. We are determine in ensuring that our employee can earn decent salary without the worry of meeting their financial responsibilities. This campaign fits well with our firm’s ethos”. 

Press Details:

For Zero Hours Justice contact: Chris Peace 07539160573. For more information see the website

Join the cause. For more information visit:

Twitter account is @ZHoursJustice

Facebook Page is @zerohoursjustice

For Alison Law Solicitors contact:


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